Happy Father's Day!
Me and father Chuck Phelps...and several fish.
A thank you to all you papas, daddies, fathers, grandfathers, Grandaddies, Opas, etc. out there, especially mine.
Dear "mine": Please click here for a Father's Day message.
A pediatrician named Ryan Phelps from Denison, TX tells tales about his work in Swaziland with the Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative, among other things.
Hello Ryan,
I'm a new nursing grad (BSN, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, May 2007) and am interested in visiting Mbabane Gover. Hospital with the intent of working/volunteering somewhere in Swazi. Right now I'm at Kruger Park, helping with some bat research. That ends in a week, and I intend to travel to Swaziland. Any chance of visiting with you or the hospital while there? Internet connection here is VERY sporadic; please forgive me if I do not respond promptly to your email! My email address is morgan.pearl@gmail.com
Best to you--
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