Sunday, July 01, 2007

Recent Media - Preventing steps back

For each sub-Saharan African who was placed on anti-AIDS drugs last year, five more were newly infected, and still the coverage to prevent new cases remains ‘ridiculously low.’ Read more at the link below, and don’t skip over the paragraph of the article that states, “Fully 28 percent of those who need [ARV] treatment get it, compared with just 2 percent in 2003,” for that increase of 26% is something to be proud of, something to build on…while continuing to bolster prevention efforts.

New AIDS Cases in Africa Outpace Treatment Gains
(I recommend also browsing the article photos if your internet speed allows it.)

The Houston Chronicle recently published a story (link below) that outlines the Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative’s newest international partner—Kenya. The clinic there will join the existing BIPAI pediatric HIV care and treatment clinic network in Africa, the largest of its kind in the world (see map below).

Another step forward for Baylor AIDS Initiative in Africa.


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