Thursday, May 03, 2007

(RED), Swaziland, Christy Turlington and You

Product (RED) GAP advert

Christy Turlington came to the Baylor clinic today.

I don’t read many of the perfumed magazines, but, as she has been on the covers of roughly a couple hundred weeklies, monthlies, etc, it is difficult not to recognize her.

In any case, she is the ambassador for (RED).

For those of you who do not know about (RED), it is an initiative to encourage consumers to buy certain product or service lines with the understanding that the (RED)-affiliated company will in turn write a check “to buy and distribute anti-retroviral medicine to our brothers and sisters dying of AIDS in Africa.”

The (RED) Manifesto (from which the above quote is taken) makes for good reading, and it is worth considering designated (RED) products when making purchases. GAP, Apple, American Express, Converse, and Motorola are examples of participating brands.

According to the (RED) blog, Christy Turlington, pictured below with Bono and Bush after an HIV awareness rally, made the trip to Swaziland to “lessen the distance between (RED) shoppers around the world and the (RED) shareholders in Africa.”

I hope they are successful, because, here in Mbabane, Swaziland, (RED) saves lives.

No matter how far away Africa seems to you, take it from me: every day, (RED) proceeds keep children from dying.

Why take it from me?

Because the "distance between" me and the “(RED) shareholders in Africa” is the length of my stethoscope.

For those wishing to know more about the initiative and (RED)’s travels in Swaziland, the (RED) blog is the place to go.

One of my favorite Baylor clinic interpreters, Lulu, is featured on the blog's April 30th entry, and just above that the author outlines how (RED) money is supporting Swaziland’s Global Fund programs.

Please check it out and do email me if you want to learn more.

Dr. Helga, Dr. Julia, Exec. Director Busi, Christy, Dr. Ryan, and Dr. Carrie. (The two children didn't give their names, but wanted to be in the photo.)


At 6:20 PM, Blogger JR said...


Isabelle, Matt, Alexa, Kevin and I are getting ready for our two-week vacation. As you know the original plans had us heading to South Africa, which surely would have included a swing by to see you. Instead, we're off to Slovenia and Croatia. While I am sure that we will have a great time there, I'm hit by some pangs of regret that we won't see you in person while in Ljubljana or Dubrovnik. Keep up the great work. Love the blog.

All my best,

Josh R

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

Duprovnik ain't Swaziland. Miss y'all too. Let's plan a reunion before we are too too old.


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